Eklipsio - 11.10.2015 15:21:49


I would like to introduce you all to a new beginning of one of the best Naruto servers in the world, Naruto Shippuden Story Online! Our main aspects and priorities for the server are focused around PVP, Long, Hard, Exciting Quests, Enjoyable Events, and much more. We also don't want to force you into anything, all we want from you is, you. That's why we don't have PACC on our server.

Server IP: http://shippuden.net.pl/
Server Forum: http://nss-forum.pl

Server Info:

Exp stage:
1-50 x9
51-100 x8
101-200 x7
201-300 x6
301-400 x5
401+ x4

Now let me tell you some insides on the server and what you will be able to see once you join.

- Each character has its unique role and look, this varies on tank, dps, healer, debuffer etc. All the characters contain Transformations from level 50-400 (450 next update) for every 50 lvl's.
Overall there are 39 playable characters these include: Minato, Hashirama, Sasori, Tsuigetsu, Ino, Karin, Jiraya and many many more. In the upcoming update we will add Shisui and Juugo!

- Added a new map containing many new spawn locations, towns and quests.

- Current bugs like teleporting through walls and stunning on stacks have been fixed.

- New quests have been added that can keep you company while you are leveling or finishing a task.

- Overall experience and exp stage have been lowered to make people enjoy their characters more and the time and effort put into building them.

- All characters have been carefully balansed and have gotten new spells.

- New Monsters and NPC's added all around the map, one of these are the clan mobs. (Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha)


Systems in Naruto Shippuden Story!

- Our beloved Task System. Everybody loves tasks but what other server lets you hunt Kurama as a task? Or Shukaku? I think none! There are over 30 tasks due to how many new monsters are added onto the server.

- Mission System, ever get tired of exping or you really need that extra level that you didn't get from the task? Well on NSS we added Missions from Tsunade herself! These include your normal go, collect and bring back but can get also quite dangerous when being forced to gather leaves from Samurais!

- Combo System, on NSS you don't have your typical spam F3 gameplay, yes perhaps we did but times have changed. If you are bored with Cast Systems where everybody uses bot or your typical F3 spam targets then check out our Combo System!

- Boss System. Just in case you get bored on our server or mad at Tobirama Senju you can always go and kill him, and perhaps also grab some nice loot. What this is, is basically bosses like Minato, Tobirama, Hashirama etc spawn around the world every 45 mins. You don't really get a lot of XP for killing them but you sure get nice gear.

- Pet System. We have added a Pet System and cleaned out all the unnecessary junk in the item shop. What the Pet System is, is basically 4 pets of which you can choose your best fit, each has it's own special ability like healing, giving you a buff or even attacking the enemy with poison.
Few more screenshots from the game.


Naruto Shippuden Story!

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